Anyone who knows me knows I am into organic, wild caught, free range, grain fed all natural food; that I love to cook, I love to eat and I try to eat healthy as much as possible. I have been organic before it became a thing before it was called organic. Remember, I’m from the land of Rasta and all natural this and that. So I am really into this stuff so much so that it prompted me to spend quite a bit of time in Jamaica. Now that I have decided to spend more time in Miami I had to solve the wild caught seafood challenge.
I found a fish market in Fort Lauderdale where the boat comes in weekly with fresh wild caught tropical fish from the Bahamas, even rock lobsters!!! 2 Bills Fish Market in Fort Lauderdale. While we waited I was talking with a few people and one gentleman told me he came from Jacksonville to get his fish. That is 5 hrs away! I can do it in 4hrs or 3 point something hrs if you let me drive, lol. This is the real deal! You have to go early and be prepared to invest 2 hours for this quest. It’s a process:
You can’t get it any fresher than that!!! If you care about what goes into your body this is the place to get the freshest seafood and their prices are not bad either. It is so worth it!