Hi! Thanks for dropping by. I am Herdine Nicholson, a licensed real estate professional in Florida and Jamaica with approximately 20 years real estate sales experience. Several of those years were spent as a US top producer while licensed in the state of Georgia.
I left a career providing Strategic Management, IT Project Management, and Business Analysis for the C-Suite of several fortune 500 companies when I welcomed my second daughter 16 years ago to pursue real estate because I believed, at the time, I would have more time with my brand-new baby then return to my career in IT. Little did I know that real estate would become my passion and the joy of interacting with clients, customers and other real estate professionals would be so fulfilling. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to me because when I was 7 years old, I got a Monopoly board game for Christmas and no one could beat me at that game. To this day it’s my favorite board game. From that age, I learned the value of owning real estate, improving the property, and collecting rent.
With a fashion designer mother and an engineer father, I grew up with a passion and an eye for design and analysis. My dream was to become a fashion designer but my mother was having none of it, she wanted me to get a serious degree. I got the serious degrees! Computer Information Systems, Business even a Master in Business Administration for good measure, but my passion for design never left. It is this love for design and aesthetics and the joy of human interaction that makes this the happiest time of my life doing my favorite thing in the world, matching clients with gorgeous real estate in paradise they will be happy with.
I also, love to travel and I love animals, these other two loves almost made me lose my dog forever. You guessed it! I had to export and import my Meiki from and back to Jamaica. Yes, in that order, so now I know how to navigate the export/import of pets to and from Jamaica, a very tedious process, I might add. The returning residents process, yup! I’ve done that twice too. If you are thinking about relocating to Jamaica, I am an ally you want because I’ve lived it and I can help you avoid the costly and stressful mistakes I’ve made.
My real estate clients have benefited tremendously from my life experiences and career in business, marketing, information technology, leadership, and interior design. It has been a plus in providing excellent service to my clients and customers and it enhances the fun that is real estate. With all of that, I can truly say, “I take a holisitic approach to real estate!” I would love to be your agent and resource in one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.